Object: Indignation on your Great lakes crisis assessment
and our thorough diagnosis and solution to the KONGO problem.
Ottawa, February 16th 2024,
Dear Mr. Mbeki,
We are writing to you on behalf of the millions who died in KONGO because of the Western led invasion by Rwanda, the thousands of women who are being raped as we are writing this letter and the countless displaced who lost everything, especially the strength to respond to your allegations.
We wish to express to you our grave indignation on the disturbingly oversimplified depiction of the otherwise excruciating situation of KONGO, DRC, you have made in an interview with Ms Mokoena on SABC this day.
Suggesting that the situation in DRC is a mere question of primitive barbaric Negroes fighting over ethnicity and borders issues is truly insulting. Especially when it’s not so hidden in plain sight to the common observer that, at the very least, it’s a war raised on a mineral rich country. Your position raises a deep concern about the capacity of a Black leadership to move away from the colonial occupation narratives and bring transformational change to this continent with probity and clear vision.
Without allowing ourselves to be totally drawn into the reductive considerations contained in your comments, we would simply like to remind you that of all African peoples, the Kongomani are probably the most hospitable. And as such, they have no lessons to learn from South Africa (or Upper Azania as we like to better call her). Since you mentioned yet in another declaration the Tswana people of South Africa in a surprisingly baseless effort to compare them to the Rwandan nationals in the DRC.
Dear Mr Mbeki, of all foreigners living in KONGO, the so-called Banyamulenge you refer to in your latest interview are the first beneficiaries of this legendary solidarity of the Kongomani. An acclaimed solidarity that can be witnessed by diverse people in the continent such as the Angolans who also happened to decisively contribute to the liberation of South Africa. In an unbroken chain of hearts throughout the Black realm that we will never cease to remind to South Africa. It is through this fabulous solidarity that, in an unprecedented burst of humanity, the Kongomani opened their borders in 1994 to millions of Rwandan Bantu refugees fleeing a macabre Western plan of extermination for which KONGO alone would bear the cross for 30 years. Up until now.
Dear Mr Mbeki, when referring to Banyamulenge and colonial borders issues, you must understand that the term refers to mount Mulenge which is located in Uvira, South Kivu, next to Burundi, far beyond the Rwandan border in the North. The term was coined only in 1973 by the father of the current DRC infrastructure minister, Gisaro. Who is surely living his best life in KONGO and as such must be surprised by your comments. The creation of this identity was in an effort by Mobutu’s chief of staff, Bisengimana, a Rwandan national, to grant collective citizenship to Rwandan nationals of the two castes who had been living on Congolese territory for some time. Which effort unfortunately revealed to be illegal a few years later, after it was first recognized and formally acted upon by a law. Before the repeal that was based on the fact that citizenship could not be granted collectively but only individually.
Dear Mr Mbeki, the issue of Banyarwanda in DRC is not political as you so adamantly claim. It’s a legal issue. Comparing it to the situation of the Tswana who live in a geographical continuum, that is shared between two countries, is intellectually questionable and morally reprehensible.
The Banyamulenge you refer to are of one of the two castes of Banyarwanda who consider themselves as Tutsi or lords. While the other caste of Hutu are deemed serfs of the latter through the bond of serfdom known as UBUHAKE in kinyarwanda.
The law in KONGO does not recognize castes. Particularly those which violate the principle of equal rights to which KONGO adheres through the universal declaration of human rights mentioned in her constitution. The law in KONGO does not grant citizenship collectively. Neither does it grant citizenship to holders of other nationalities. In a frontal defiance to the law in DRC, the law in Rwanda makes it impossible for an individual who has origins in Rwanda to lose their Rwandan nationality. And, contrary to the Tswana people you mentioned, all Banyarwanda in DRC have unquestionably their origins in an indisputably circumscribed geographical area. If it was an ethnicity issue, Rwanda should have been compelled long ago to allow its nationals to renounce their Rwandan nationality in order to legally apply for the KONGO citizenship.
What Kagame's Rwanda is doing instead is raping countless numbers of women and even babies, burying women alive, eviscerating others to remove fetuses, slaughtering entire populations, stealing mineral resources that an intelligent cooperation could benefit to all. Which cooperation had indeed benefited to Rwanda within the CPGL regional framework at the time of Habyarimana. The late president of Rwanda who was brutally assassinated by the same Kagame in an unprecedented terrorist attack which took place during peace talks. The same Kagame who was recently offered an attractive commercial deal but declined to follow that path of righteousness for reasons we will clearly and unapologetically elaborate on in this letter.
Dear Mr Mbeki, from this point of view, it is extremely troubling that in 2024, a prominent leader of South-Africa would lend himself to a Western propaganda though of a happily gone occupational past and try to justify the unspeakable cruelties that are imposed on a fellow Black people. Cruelties no reasonable quest for citizenship of any kind could possibly justify in any civilized world.
Dear Mr Mbeki, your stance on this matter is extremely dangerous to us and to the whole Black people in this continent. Because it suggests somehow that resorting to an unprovoked abysmal violence of epic proportions is an acceptable approach to get citizenship from a particular country. Or else, grab some land and then annex it to another country while citizenship for that other country was never pursued in the first place. When it was simply not repudiated.
Dear Mr Mbeki, this is not the Black family we envision. That of barbarism, pillage and savage destruction for the commercial interests of Western corporations. Those interests for which you are sadly and unquestionably an objective ally when you justify Rwandan criminal endeavors.
Dear Mr Mbeki, your comments are dangerous because they suggest that each African country that is unhappy with the Western-occupation-era borders should resort to havoc and thus bring chaos to the whole Black people. And also chaos potentially to the entire world as we will show it.
Dear Mr Mbeki, regarding the borders issues, first of all, let us remind you that contrary to many countries in the world, the borders of KONGO are mostly natural. Crafted by the hand of The Most High Themselve as observable from outer space. That’s why KONGO is KONGO. It’s a valley. And in the particular case of Rwanda, The Most High specifically established three kinds of boundaries. The one of water with the lake Kivu and the river Ruzizi, the one of earth with the eastern chain of mountains and the one of fire with the volcanoes, to physically and unequivocally separate Rwanda from KONGO.
Dear Mr Mbeki, in addition to the fact that the boundaries between KONGO and Rwanda are not primarily “colonial” as you claim, in 1911, following claims expressed by Germany, a treaty was established in Brussels between KONGO and Germany to formally establish the limits of the Kingdom of Rwanda as a German protectorate. The Germans had demanded that this Kingdom be preserved in its entirety after the Berlin Accords for which they had apparently some disagreements. KONGO agreed to cede a significant amount of land to Rwanda that was lying beyond its natural boundaries. Since those agreements, the formal borders of Rwanda are historically, geographically, and politically unequivocally established. Among the German dissatisfactions, there was undoubtedly the fact that the Belgian State had unlawfully constituted itself as the tutelary power of KONGO in 1908 in defiance of the spirit of the Conference on KONGO (Die Kongokonferenz). The spirit of this conference - which is wrongly and mischievously referred to as The Berlin Conference - was that KONGO was seen as a Free State essentially for free trade purposes for all. Certainly not a private possession by some absolute monarch.
Three years after these borders agreements with KONGO, Germany entered into war against the rest of the world and, interestingly, the first country invaded by her was Belgium. A sign that speaks a lot to us. As it clearly appears that this attack was an attempt to regain by force what the mighty German Reich naively gave up to Leopold II in an effort to avoid confrontation with Britain and France. Only to see it end up in the custody of an insignificant country, Belgium, which was never fit to claim this immense territory in the first place. A country that was not even supposed to be in Berlin because Leopold II's surrealist plans for conquest were illegal in the eyes of Belgian law at the time of the Berlin meetings.
Dear Mr. Mbeki, notwithstanding the official and somehow fairy version that is told to us by the imperialist countries, from our perspective we know deep down that the Great War had its origins in the dissatisfaction which emerged from the Conference on KONGO in 1885 at Berlin.
This is also the case for the Second World War which is the logical continuation of the first in the sense that it resulted from Germany's discontent with the confiscation of its dominion in Africa. And KONGO is directly involved in these two wars, particularly in the first when KONGO defeated the German army in Kamerun, Zambia, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania.
The predominantly KONGO victory in Tanzania formally established the confiscation of lands under German colonial occupation by the Entente powers in 1918.
Mr. Mbeki, this is the political reason, if there is one, that we find to the war in KONGO. The one that has never ended since 1914. As you may have noticed, it is way beyond the ludicrous matter of citizenship papers that Congolese haters would be unwilling to grant to fellow Africans. This is a grotesque depiction not a single honest African who have lived in KONGO would support.
Dear Mr Mbeki, if the First World War and the Second World War were directly linked to KONGO, we believe the Third will also be linked to KONGO if we do not have the appropriate attitude towards the unfolding of events that are already taking place in the region.
In that sense, we find your stance, as a prominent political leader in the continent, outrageously flippant and totally irresponsible. Since we would have expected, through your foundation, not only a thorough political opinion but also a scholarly informed advice through the expertise South Africa can offer with such an institution as the Thabo Mbeki School of Public and International Affairs. Instead of an enlightened guidance from its elite for the Africans in general, interestingly, your comments are likely to mislead the South African people in particular in their perception of the merits of the presence of their troops in the DRC.
Dear Mr Mbeki, the importance of KONGO in the development of the continent with regard to the geopolitical aspects exposed here no longer needs to be demonstrated. This is all the more true for South Africa.
South Africa is today facing serious economic difficulties linked mainly to electrical energy availability issues. Beyond the geopolitical dimension of things, the importance of KONGO in relation to the evolution of South Africa is of a practical nature. KONGO has an immensity of hydroelectric resources capable of solving the South African economic problem.
It is therefore with bitterness that we note that your attitude towards KONGO is incredibly harmful to the most vital interests of South Africa. Which is currently assisting KONGO in fighting the West backed Rwandan aggression for what must be a national security concern for South Africa.
In this sense, this astonishing contempt on your part for the brother people of KONGO is unquestionably in support of a Western racist vision which seeks to demonstrate the inability of the Negro to be up to the management of South Africa by the collapse of its economic system. As such a contempt viciously contributes to separate the inextricable destinies of the two Black nations that are meant, as Lumumba stated, to make the proof of what the Negro is capable of in freedom.
Dear Mr Mbeki, the racist factor in the Great Lakes conflict is undoubtedly at the heart of this imperialist enterprise of neocolonialist domination as history shows it.
The choice that the imperialist powers made on the peoples designated as Tutsi in Rwanda to subjugate the Great Lakes region stems from an indisputable racist logic. A logic supported by the racialist theories of the 19th century, such as the hierarchy of races and the Hamitic hypothesis, as the basis for the colonial occupation, exploitation and plunder business.
Indeed, it was with the arrival of the Germans in Rwanda and Burundi that what were originally memberships in two associated castes of breeders and farmers, unrelated to phenotype, was transformed into a segregationist delirium. A Caucasian delusion where non-native Black people originating from the Horn of Africa will be recognized as Caucasoid due to the similarity of their traits with White people. As clearly indicated in the works of Edith R. Sanders in her 1969 article on the Hamitic hypothesis which ascribes the paternity of all civilizational facts to either Caucasians or Caucasoids as an offspring of the later.
As a result, the Caucasoid in Rwanda will systematically be associated with the richer breeder caste and elevated to the rank of Tutsi lords. While the Bantu peoples, indigenous to the region, will be presented as Hutu Negroid (of the Congoid type since Coon’s segregation) and relegated to the rank of serfs due to their small size and their features considered less evolved or aesthetically appealing. According to the coined Blumenbach craniometry and other Western criteria and established practices from ancient Greece. In an effort to link the source of the Nile, and thus Ancient Egypt civilization, to the Caucasians through the Caucasoid “Tutsi”. Not the Bantu. This is a well documented approach advocated and theorized by the works of the likes of John Speke and others Georges Vacher de Lapouge. Or Joseph Arthur de Gobineau who inspired to the Germans and the Belgians the stratification of the Rwandan experience according to the French history with the Frank aristocratic class versus the Gallic Third Estate.
It is with this generally brutal and cruel aristocratic elite that first Germany, then Belgium, established their domination in Rwanda and Burundi. Now the West is working to expand this racist domination on the entire region against the Bantu people.
It is with this same bloodthirsty aristocratic elite that the imperialist powers are working to demonstrate the mediocrity of the Muntu they hold as a subhuman in order to get their hands on the wealth of the region. Through a mercenary leadership in the payroll of Western corporations. It is such a racist contempt that justifies for instance the widespread sympathy for a totalitarian country like Rwanda under the Tutsi leadership while Bantu Zimbabwe and fellow Commonwealth member is demonized for alleged human rights violations by the same Commonwealth. It is the same contempt that justifies the unconventional support for the monarchical succession which is taking place in Chad following the DRC model witnessed a few decades ago with the assassination of Kabila. While the Malian or Burkinabe leaders are demonized for the same acts of coups.
Dear Mr. Mbeki, after a visit to Rwanda by the US intelligence director, at a time when Poland is preparing to deploy troops in Rwanda at the instigation of Germany and the European Union which we justifiably consider to be the Fourth Reich, while China is rightfully arming KONGO and Mother Russia is preparing to provide support, just as South Africa is already carrying out a courageous military intervention in KONGO, the global dimension of the issues at stake in KONGO should no longer be to demonstrate to a leader of your rank. We would have liked your Foundation to shed the necessary light on such issues for the South African people and the Black nation in general.
Through its renaissance vision. We would have liked your Foundation to participate in a work of reflection in order to propose structural solutions to the root causes to the African problems.
In conclusion, our proposition to address the root causes of DRC problems.
Dear Mr Mbeki, such work of reflection, in our opinion, begins with the serious diagnosis of the real problem of the Negro in Africa and in the world in general. Again, the case of KONGO we will focus on in the following is emblematic to all Black nations. In our eyes, the problem of the Negro has its origins in the perpetuation of racist colonial states beyond the facade of independence displayed by African countries. Indeed, by the principle of the continuity of the State, we must face the evidence that African states are the survival of the colonial entities which established them and are still very much alive and fully active. From this point of view, as Mandela stated, these entities are operating against us. For, not only are they designed without us but, even worse, they are purposely designed against us. It is therefore not surprising that the KONGO economy is an extroverted economy essentially dedicated to the export of raw materials for the benefit of the same protagonist powers in Berlin. Without the people seeing any benefit. While the country imports all manufactured products from the same powers who thus control the trade balance and the currency market in their favor.
The other counterpart of the economies of countries that went through vicious colonial occupation is related to a castigatory taxation policy based on a feudal model of European countries which is deprived of natural resources. A punitive model designed to primarily oppress and keep the colonized on a leash. For lack of other guidelines, the Negro mechanically reproduces this model to his own detriment.
The African leadership which could remedy such a situation after independence is still trained today in a school system which had been designed specifically to make them auxiliaries and clerks for the accounting of natural resource export operations. This explains the chaos in the political class of the DRC which sorely lacks political culture, inspired leadership and transformational vision. But which is very quick to find itself in Western embassies to receive instructions. When it does not subcontract the essential questions of 'its' State to foreign countries. This ranges from the supply of fish to its people, despite its lakes and rivers having the most fish in the world, to the defense of the territory. To the sanctions the West must impose on Rwanda while the DRC itself is not willing to put sanctions by closing the borders. In order to stop mineral trafficking or the use of KONGO airspace by the Rwandan aviation. Which is used as an instrument of military projection of the Rwandan army according to Rwandan generals.
The defense forces are the offspring, with the notable exception of uMkhonto we Sizwe, of colonial police forces specifically designed to bully indigenous populations, punish them or capture them in the event of escape. The weaknesses of the Congolese army which resorts to the South African army today, after the obvious failure of the other colonial armies from the East African region, is due to the fact that this army was never designed for preservation of the territory. It is therefore not surprising that it stands out more in the massacres of civilians. As was recently the case in August last year when the presidential guard opened fire on some hundred believers gathered in a place of worship in Goma. Due to misleading intelligence provided to it by the involved agencies. When one could imagine that such intelligence services would be particularly busy during times of war monitoring the enemy and defending the territory by providing accurate intel to the military, they are more involved in tracking down female YouTubers for alleged offenses to the head of State while other politicians die in their custody.
The administration and justice continue to operate according to the Western occupational model. The laws that govern the DRC still mostly come from that occupational era. Those which are written today keep the spirit of it. We observe it in particular with expressions like 'penal servitude' in a country where the word servitude should have been banned because of the painful experience of colonial occupation and slavery.
In the particular cases of administration and justice, an element is added to the fatal occupational legacy. It is the more than structural corruption experienced by African countries that have gone through colonial occupation. This corruption is truly systemic in the sense that it is inseparable from the apparatus of the Leviathan State. The Leopoldian State in the DRC.
Indeed, under the oppression of the occupational State, the Negro develops resistance reflexes which consist of various and varied sabotage actions against the system. But which survives the occupational system through the State. An abusive State which carries through its local name, Mbula Matari, all the weight of the pain that the Negro feels towards it. Mbula Matari, which means stone breaker, refers to the cruelties associated with the construction work of the first railway.
The construction of this railway is not aimed at the emancipation of the Kongomani. It aims at the evacuation of mineral resources and agricultural products such as cotton which finances the exploitation of the former. The recently US supported Lobito corridor between Zambia, DRC, and Angola is a good illustration of the perpetuation of the Leopoldian State beyond its historical limits.
The harvest of those agricultural products is the cause of unspeakable sufferings of the Kongomani under the Leopoldian or Belgian occupation regime. They are harassed, whipped and ultimately amputated or simply beheaded by the Leviathan State.
This State in its current manifestation was described by Franck Diongo - the historic opponent who was imprisoned under all the regimes in the DRC since Mobutu - as the “Moloki” State, the “Moyini” State and the “Mobomi” State. The evil one, the hater and the killer State.
This characterization by Franck Diongo is anything but casual. It comes from a trauma which is transmitted from generation to generation through the genes of a people. Where the pain of amputations and decapitations of the Leopoldian State are deeply engraved.
It is such a trauma that dictates sabotage practices against the State. Practices initially perceived as heroic during resistance to the colonial occupier, but which survived the latter. Because of this same principle of the continuity of the State, these practices of sabotage are thus transformed into self-sabotage today.
A self-sabotage that is enriched by multiple other practices which were impossible under the occupier such as the embezzlement of public funds, kickbacks, abuse of public assets and other tax frauds organized for the profits of Western corporations.
It is therefore imperative that the question of the stigma inflicted on the Negro by the vicious colonial occupation imposed on him be addressed through appropriate measures.
A main measure in our eyes for such an end is the separation of the African Republics from their colonial States by weaning them from the latter. By affiliation with their ancestral States and the restructuring of institutions for a new governance which operates according to a new spirit dedicated to the preservation of the interests of the Black man.
This is about abolishing the feudal model of Western government which is the software that ensures the perpetuation of the Western occupational State. A participatory model centered on the interests of the people must be put in place. This model must integrate the well established traditional African sacred values to ensure the moral integrity of these reformed States. By their traditional nature, the break with the Western entities created against us will be natural.
Such moral integrity is also, in our eyes, a cardinal value for the economic development of countries. By its capacity to create trust by the administered in their authentic State and to attract foreign investment through the radical eradication of the vices denounced here.
With trust, an economical system can be envisioned that forbids the exploitation of raw materials for the sole purpose of their excavation. Local transformation and commercialization must be mandatory.
By requiring the custody of revenues from local commercial activities in equally local banks, a banking power is thus established for the country. Banks will flock from all over the world to capture the windfall of the country's resources. The State thus has the choice of renouncing wild taxation on investments and of sticking to a reasonable rate of 15% now supposed to be used everywhere. While, on the other hand, the income interest generated by banks in their credit operations will be taxed. And the State will have the latitude to take advantage of the very strong capitalization of these banks to request significant credits for its bankable infrastructure projects and production units. For example, with the guarantee that the State provides to the activity of these banks through its natural resources, through the fractional reserve banking system from which these banks benefit thanks to such a tangible guarantee, that other countries do not even offer, the State positions itself as the first client to these highly capitalized banks. The realization of a hyper bankable infrastructure project like the Grand Inga, which pays for its financing from the launch of the first generator through electricity exported to a strong market like South Africa, is thus made possible without resorting to either external financing or external investments. Thus making it possible to keep a highly strategic asset in the hands of the State. To encourage investors to get involved in this scheme, the trustworthy State may also waive the sums required for operating permits. Which should normally be very high, even prohibitive, to grant a bargaining power to State companies involved in Joint ventures. Taxes on individuals should also be abolished to encourage those doing business in KONGO to even keep their money in KONGO.
As a practical implementation of this vision, we envisage a participatory and scientific digital governance of the State structured around a tricameral regime. A tricameral regime which also has the merit of breaking away from Western duality and confrontational ideology. Specifically, it involves organizing the system into a Lower House of politicians, an Upper House of scholars and a Central House of authentic traditional authorities of the constitutive tribes of KONGO.
The aim is to put an end to vile political activism and toxic partisanship as the main instrument of the management of the City. By confining the role of the Lower House of politicians in the establishment of a government and its control. A control which must be balanced between the majority and the opposition for which a system must be put in place to prevent its marginalization.
It is a question here of establishing parliamentary commissions matched to each government ministry with equal representation between majority and opposition. To ensure that any decree issued by a ministry is fully reviewed and sanctioned by a countersignature from the commission office after a simple majority vote. Democracy support organizations as well as State administration inspection agencies answer directly to the competent commissions. Not to the government.
The government, as an emanation of the National assembly, strictly plays its role as an executive body. In this sense, it executes the directives, plans and vision established by the Upper House of scholars. It is not the center of power. Contrary the colonial perception created for a strong control of occupied nations.
By establishing the vision of national policy, the Upper House gives a lasting character to the actions of the State and contributes to establish the very much needed trust.
It is organized into committees exercising supervision over each government ministry for the purposes of rigorously evaluating the objectives set in the vision for the State. Failure to reach the assigned objectives excludes the political group involved to the next contests. Through the corresponding committees, it also exercises the effective management of the ministries responsible for Justice administration, foreign affairs and for defense and national security. These ministries do not report to the government in order to conform to the apolitical nature of the army and Justice, and the non partisan nature of foreign affairs with a lasting vision.
The Upper House is headed by a Central committee comprising 25 members from each province and is chaired by a woman from Kinshasa. It specializes in the role of check while the Lower House is responsible for that of balance. It is made up of the scientific, literary and military engineering and intelligence elite of all the constituent tribes of KONGO which nominate them on the basis of merit and dignity. The President of the Republic, who plays the unique role of guarantor for the proper functioning of institutions, comes from the military engineering and intelligence group. He has no executive power other than that of head of the armies which he exercises collectively on an equal basis with the committee in charge of defense and national security that he chairs. Like other executive committee members, he responds to the Central committee or the General assembly.
The term of office for the Upper House is 21 years. While that of the Lower House is 7 years.
The members of the Upper House are designated among tribal group nominees by the Sovereign National Conference which is held in the same periodicity of 21 years. This national conference is the African discussion tree which evaluates the conduct of the country every 21 years and outlines the main directions for the following 21 years. It is sovereign in the sense that it can wipe out all the policies, treaties and other decrees and hold accountable all the leaders of the institutions for the mistakes committed. With the well understood aim of maintaining balance and peace of the nation.
The Sovereign National Conference is made up of delegates from civil society, members of political parties and delegates from the institutions of the Republic.
The role of the Central Chamber of Traditional Chiefs is to convene the Sovereign National Conference, to swear in the heads of the institutions, and to provide moral warrant of authenticity to acts established by the State through established traditional rites. Thus increasing the moral power of the country to make it both politically reliable and economically attractive by the creation of the highest level of trust that is based on unquestionable sacred values.
This House is the real seat of the power of the State. In this regard, it recovers and restores the power that was wrested by Leopold II in what was truly a fraud. Indeed, to acquire international recognition for KONGO, Leopold first approached the American authorities. He evoked treaties established with these leaders whom he presented as sovereigns at the head of free States.
States that his two associations aimed to confederate and manage without exercising real political power, from the American understanding. After the American granted recognition, Leopold proceeded to Berlin to convince the French, the British and the very distrustful Germans. Afterwards, the trajectory that Leopold II took until the appropriation by Belgium of the territory of KONGO was indeed a historical fraud with regard to the spirit of the Berlin accords as mentioned previously. Since neither Belgium nor Leopold had the quality to legally attend the Berlin talks. According to the Belgian law which prohibited the king of the Belgians from acquiring dominions.
This fraud is at the heart of the Congolese problem. That of the weakness of a State that results from the inadequacy of the Leopoldian dream with the soul of the Muntu in KONGO.
The establishment of this Central Chamber which creates a de facto bridge between the righteous ancestors and the living contributes to restoring the true power of the State, which must be sacred, and to breaking the lineage of the State to the Leopoldian Leviathan.
By bringing the State back to its traditional roots which dates back to the KONGO federation and the Valley of the Nile, in an unbroken ancestral chain that goes back to the Most High, in this way, a nation truly under the Almighty Nzambi a Mpungu is established for the highest trust and the most benevolent impact on the soul of the Black person.
Participatory democracy that is normally meant for small countries is achieved by harnessing the current technological advances in information technology. Such advances as cryptography, Blockchain and biometrics. In the framework of the KIMBANGU vision of a State articulated on three powers, the political, the scientific and the spiritual, that is implemented by the tricameral system we presented here, genuine digital governance is achieved. Beyond the mere implementation of eGovernement which only aims at a better management of the administration. Without addressing the root causes of things.
Dear Mr. Mbeki, Western political regimes inherited from the ancient Greeks have the recognized vocation of shaping the human soul. The tyrannies of Leopoldian States maliciously established over time in African countries cause the state of generalized dementia into which the continent has unquestionably been sinking.
By restoring the authentic State, the land, the wealth it contains, and the one it produces will cease to belong to the monarch. A monarch who still owns such a wealth by the vicious principle of the continuity of State and other crazy dogmas established by the likes of Rousseau who advocates the handover of the riches of big countries to the monarch for his personal use. Ownership of land must be directed to the Republic formally defined and established as the politically, socially and spiritually organized KONGO nation of the illustrious constitutive tribes, of our righteous ancestors, and under the Almighty Nzambi a Mpungu.
By restoring the Authentic State in Black nations with trustworthy institutions devoted to the achievement of balance, equity and truth, in the Spirit of Maat of our ancestors in the Nile Valley, a virtuous dynamics of evolution is created that will lead ineluctably to peace, stability, prosperity, and ultimately, the enlightenment of the souls under the auspices of the Just City and The Most High.
Bukoko IKOKI,
Ordinary citizen.
P.S: The Great Lakes issues resolution proposal
The issue of Banyarwanda in KONGO can be resolved by clarifying the legal notion of nationality. A distinction must be made between citizenship and nationality. The latter will be reserved exclusively for holders of the KONGO nationality of origin. The one that comes from the authentic constituent tribes of KONGO. While citizenship will be open to all without restrictions other than those imposed by the law.
A Sovereign National Conference will be organized in KONGO to assess the root causes of instability in the region.
A Sovereign National Conference will be equally organized in Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda for the same purpose as in KONGO and that of achieving Peace through Truth and Reconciliation. The UBUHAKE system with its two castes and the underlying Western induced racism must be abolished for a new republican citizenship in Rwanda and Burundi. All the rebel groups that are used as a pretext to attack KONGO must be convened by these countries to settle their issues.
A regional conference must be organized to restore the Truth and definitively settle the issues plaguing the region.
Finally, KONGO must reconvene the Conference on the KONGO of 1885 to draw the conclusions of all violations of the General Act of Berlin and demand reparations from the protagonists. To Germany in particular that we hold responsible for the coward and asymmetrical war that has been waged against KONGO since August 1914 for the occupied losses of occupational territories she incurred as the result of her own aggression against the agreed neutrality of KONGO. And to Belgium for having usurped the rightful place and role of KONGO as a Free State with all the abuses and crimes that resulted from its occupational regime.
As of The Sun of Righteousness, we do not accuse. Neither do we judge, nor condemn. We do not stone. We do not curse. We bless our enemies and persecutors. While we let the dead bury their own dead, as we pick up our Cross, we revive our loved ones from lethal errors.